Wednesday, February 8, 2012


A Task for Wallace
When Bowden left, he took with him
Some broken dreams, tonic and gin.
Reverend Jim Jones, was so upset,
“Hope I’m not discounted as president.
I’ll talk to trustees, just wait and see.
Bobby’ll be back, for my name’s Stevey.”
He may be old, but it’s not a fling,
He’s got more life than Tuck Everlasting.
The stay at the beach he must suspend,
Wallace came back, with a wink and a grin.
He knew his task, it was clear as glass:
Win for the Lions, or it’d be his ass.
With fingers crossed and a heavy heart.
Welcome back home; time for a fresh start.

The Snore- V-Day 2012: Boning & Pwning